Here is a list of differences between MoonSharp and Lua.
This is of course subject to heavy changes as the development on MoonSharp goes on.
List of differences
- Strings are Unicode: some caution is required if code uses strings to store binary data. On the other hand, strings used as real strings are a lot easier to use.
- Weak tables are not supported
- Very very minor differences in some parts of the standard library - Updated situation in this pdf.
- Garbage Collection is different, as MoonSharp relies on .NET/Mono standard GC
- Compatibility only at the source level - no luac, no lua binaries
- Error messages are at times different (though most of the times they are the same)
- Function names are tracked at function declaration, not backtracked at function calls like in Lua (noticeable only when debugging)
- Lua does not document (AFAIK) which functions can yield and which not. For example
can yield in MoonSharp but not in Lua. See this pdf for a documented list of what can yield in MoonSharp. Generally you can expect to be able to yield in more places and not less, but your mileage may vary.
List of additions
See the complete list of additions here.
- Multiple expressions can be used as indices but the value to be indexed must be a userdata, or a table resolving to userdata through the metatable (but without using metamethods). So, for example,
is parsed correctly but might raise an error if x
is not a userdata.
- Metalua short anonymous functions (lambda-style) are supported. So
|x, y| x + y
is shorthand for function(x,y) return x+y end
- A non-yieldable
metamethod has been added. It’s called if the argument f
of a for ... in ...
loop is not actually a function.
- A default iterator looping over values (not keys) is provided if the argument
of a for ... in ...
loop is a table without __iterator
or __call
escapes, where x are up to 8 hexadecimal digits, are supported inside strings and will output the specified Unicode codepoint, as it does in Lua 5.3
and loadfilesafe
methods, same as load
and loadfile
but defaulting to the current top-of-the-stack _ENV
instead of the default one, for easier sandboxing
- The
and dynamic.prepare
functions to handle dynamic expressions
method, just like string.byte
but returning a whole unicode codepoint
, string.startsWith
and string.endsWith
methods allow easier and faster performing string ops without having to rely on patterns for simple scenarios
- The
module to support JSON<->table conversions
There are several reasons for these differences, but the most important ones are:
- MoonSharp will be modeled on the .NET architecture viewed through C# colored lenses, rather than a posix architecture viewed through C lenses. For example it doesn’t make sense to treat strings like Lua does (plain old char ptrs, sometimes and sometimes not interpreted as utf-8).
- The architecture is different and some things simply cannot be done within a reasonable effort
- The purpose is offering scripting facilities to C# apps at the fastest speed possible. The entire purpose of MoonSharp is to sacrifice Lua raw execution speed in order to gain performance on Lua/C# cross calls.
- Lua serves the dual purpose of being a stand-alone language AND an embeddable scripting language. MoonSharp takes choices which favors the embeddable scenario at the expense of the stand-alone one.
- Worth repeating, MoonSharp does not aim at 100% compatibility, it aims at giving Lua scriptability to C# applications in the best possible way.